San Francisco Fern Society
Slideshows from past meetings are archived here


May: Tour of a member's home fern collection, so no slideshow.

February: Wendy Born's presentation on Spore Propagation (.pptx file, 8.7 MB).


November: Dan Yansura's presentation on the Polypodiaceae Fern Family (.pptx file, 26 MB).

August: Field trip to the Hidden Forest Nursery in Sebastopol. No slideshow.

May: Tom Mudge's presentation on Ferns of New Zealand (.pdf file, 94 MB).

February: Basil Madeiros, UC Botanical Garden horticulturalist, took us on a fern tour of the UCBG. No slideshow.


November: Dr. Lewis Feldman, Director of the UC Botanical Garden at Berkeley, gave an online talk on the ferns of the UCBG. No slideshow.

August: Dan Yansura and the SFBG fern team's (Alex Adams, Bronwyn Gundogdu, Mary Dee Beall) presentation on Cloud Forest Ferns: Creating a Fernery in the San Francisco Botanical Garden Meso-American Cloud Forest is here (.pptx file, 50.5 MB).

May: Show and tell meeting, so no slideshow.

February: Dan Yansura's presentation on Botanizing for Orchids and Ferns in Myanmar is here (.pptx file, 67 MB).


November: Kylie Stocks "A Walk in an Australian Rainforest"

August: Dan Yansura's presentation on the Ferns of Bali is here (.pptx file, 67 MB).

May: Kyle Pierce's presentation "Taking Root: A Story of Family, Flowers and Ferns," a tour of his family's garden in San Francisco, has been posted here (PDF file, 78.1 MB).

February: David G. Hill's presentation on Pteridophytes of North Wales has been posted here (PDF file, 47.1 MB).


November: Jolanda Nels's presentation on Ferns in South Africa is here (.pptx file, 22.4 MB).

July: Fernando Orellana's PowerPoint presentation on Aglaomorpha and Drynaria is here (.pptx file, 40 MB).

May: Mary Dee Beall's presentation on Ferns of the US Botanic Garden in Washington DC is here (.pptx file, 35.8 MB).

February: Dan Yansura's PowerPoint presentation, "Sporing Ferns, Part II," is here (.pptx file, 6 MB).


November: Lyn Gomes's presentation on Lecanopteris has been posted here (PDF file, 4.6 MB).

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